Note: To upload course files, you must be a Platform Administrator. You also need both an OpenSesame Plus subscription and an OpenSesame Customer Success Manager (CSM). To learn more, contact your CSM. If you don’t have a CSM and want to upgrade to a managed account, contact OpenSesame Support.
CourseCloud has multiple ways to add training:
- Sync courses from OpenSesame.
- Upload your own content.
- Upload your own content to synced OpenSesame courses.
In this guide:
- Content types
- Create a container
- Update a container
Upload content
Add a file
Add a SCORM 1.2 or AICC package
Add a URL - Stop editing
Content types
CourseCloud supports the following content types:
- Media files: MP3, MP4, PDF, or PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX).
- SCORM 1.2 or AICC packages. You can’t add these to OpenSesame courses.
- URLs.
The maximum file size is 256 MB, and each content type has its own completion criteria.
For courses you create from uploads, learners see your organization’s name as the publisher.
Create a container
Note: To upload content to a synced OpenSesame course, select Discover, locate the course, then skip ahead to Upload content.
To upload files, first create a home for them.
Log in to CourseCloud as a Platform Administrator and select Admin Tools:
Select the Courses tab, then Create Course:
Here you make the container for your files. This is sometimes called a “course framework.”
This page has the following fields:
- Course full name (required)
- Course category (required) - The same top-level categories as OpenSesame.
- Enable self enrollments - Allows learners to enroll without the help of an administrator.
- Course summary
- Course image - a GIF, JPEG, JPG, or PNG file, up to 256 MB. Uploaded GIF files don’t animate.
- Course start date - When enrolled learners can launch the course.
- Course end date - When launches stop. This does not remove the course from CourseCloud. For more information, keep reading this section.
- Duration (required) - The estimated time, in hours and minutes, it takes to complete all course activities.
- Publisher - Your organization. This can’t be changed.
To locate an image file on your device, click the file manager icon. You can also drag the file into the Course image box:
- For best results, use an image with a 16:9 aspect ratio and at least 1280 x 720 pixels.
- The upload time includes a security check.
- If the file isn’t accepted, it’s discarded and an error appears.
- If you don’t upload a course image, CourseCloud uses a placeholder image.
To set when learners can launch the course, use the start date and optional end date:
The Course end date:
- Allows you to schedule an end to launches, however all management of OpenSesame courses is done in the OpenSesame My Courses dashboard.
- To add an end date, click the Enable toggle then adjust as needed.
- On the end date, the course stops appearing in learners’ general searches. Enrolled or in-progress learners continue to see the course in their dashboard, but they can’t launch it.
- You can use end dates in custom reports.
When you’re satisfied with your settings,
- Save them and return to your dashboard by clicking Create course, or
- Save them and open the container by clicking Create and go to course.
In the following example, clicking Create and go to course leads to the new container and a success message.
If you decide to upload files later, locate the course (under Discover or Admin Tools > Courses > Edit Courses), open it, and edit from there.
Update a container
To update these settings, visit the course page, open the Settings menu, and select Edit settings.
Upload content
Now that a container exists, you can add content to it.
- For all file types, the maximum size is 256 MB.
- The upload time includes a security check.
- Filenames are visible when learners click the section name. To adjust a filename, change it on your device before you upload the file.
On your course page, click the Edit tool:
A new button appears:
Click it to reveal three upload types.
Note: When you upload to an OpenSesame course, SCORM / AICC isn’t an option.
Add a file
To upload an MP3, MP4, PDF, or PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX), select File:
This adds a section to your course. Each section can contain one file.
Enter a name for your section. Any description appears when learners click the name.
To locate an image file on your device, click the file manager icon. You can also drag the file into the Select files box:
Note: PowerPoint files can quickly exceed the 256 MB size limit. If you encounter this, consider using PowerPoint to export the file as a PDF, then uploading the PDF.
Next, you can adjust the file’s Appearance:
The options are:
- Automatic (default) - Varies. CourseCloud displays files differently based on their type.
- Embed - The file appears in the active browser window, after CourseCloud's navigation bar.
- Force download - CourseCloud tells the learner to save the file to their device.
- Open - The file appears in the active browser window without any CourseCloud elements. Learners must use their browser’s Back button to return to CourseCloud.
- In pop-up - The file appears in a new, smaller browser window.
You can also show the file’s size, type, or when it was uploaded.
When you’re satisfied with your settings,
- Save the section and return to the previous page by clicking Save and return to course, or
- Save the section and check its appearance by clicking Save and display.
When saved, the section appears in your course.
Add a SCORM 1.2 or AICC package
Note: You can’t upload a SCORM or AICC package to an OpenSesame course.
SCORM 1.2 or AICC packages must be either an XML or a ZIP file.
In addition, AICC assets can’t be externally hosted. This means all course resources—such as audio, video, and image files—must be included within the upload itself.
- If a course package uses content not included in the upload, then the content doesn’t load in CourseCloud and the course doesn’t play correctly.
- If you’re not sure if this applies to your package, upload the package and thoroughly test your course in CourseCloud before distributing it to learners.
To upload a package, select SCORM / AICC:
This adds a section to your course. Each section can contain one file.
Note: If you want learners to view multiple SCORM or AICC packages, as a best practice we recommend using a Learning Path rather than making multiple sections.
Enter a name for your section. Any description appears when learners click the name.
To locate a SCORM 1.2 or AICC package on your device, click the file manager icon. The package must be either an XML or a ZIP file. You can also drag it into the Package file box:
When you’re satisfied with your settings,
- Save the section and return to the previous page by clicking Save and return to course, or
- Save the section and check its appearance by clicking Save and display.
When saved, the section appears in your course.
Add a URL
To add a URL, select URL:
This adds a section to your course. Each section can contain one URL.
Enter a name for your section, then the full URL, including “https://” at the beginning. Any description appears when learners click the section name.
Next, you can adjust the URL’s Display:
The options are:
Automatic (default)
- The URL opens in the active browser window without any CourseCloud elements.
- Learners must use their browser’s Back button to return to CourseCloud.
- The URL opens in the active browser window, after CourseCloud's navigation bar.
- If you choose this option, check how it looks, as some sites don’t allow embeds.
- The URL opens in the active browser window without any CourseCloud elements.
- Learners must use their browser’s Back button to return to CourseCloud.
In pop-up
- The URL opens in a new, smaller browser window.
When you’re satisfied with your settings,
- Save the section and return to the previous page by clicking Save and return to course, or
- Save the section and check its appearance by clicking Save and display.
When saved, the section appears in your course.
Stop editing
To turn editing off, click the Exit icon.
If you have further questions, our Support team is here to help at or via live chat and phone. Reach us at (503) 808-1268, ext. 2 (U.S.) or +44 203 744 5541 (Europe).
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