If you’ve purchased OpenSesame Plus for yourself, you can start viewing any course in the curated OpenSesame Plus catalog immediately. As long as your subscription is active, you can take as many OpenSesame Plus courses as you wish, and as often as you like! You can also find previously launched or completed courses in your dashboard, which helps you easily relaunch them.
Note: If you decide to end your subscription, your access to previously launched subscription courses will also end.
First, log in to your OpenSesame account. Upon logging in, you will land on your dashboard and see your account name appear in the top right corner.
Note that your Delivery Preference should say “On OpenSesame” if you plan to view courses on www.opensesame.com. If it does not, simply click the current preference to change it:
You might notice that the message under the OpenSesame Plus logo (at left) is “You have used 0 seats of 1 seat.” This is because we have not yet launched any subscription courses.
To get started, enter a search term in the bar at top left or click the “Catalog” link to its right to browse the full OpenSesame catalog. Here we’ll use “leadership”:
The initial results will show all matches from our entire catalog. All courses and Curated List cards with an orange “PLUS” sash are included in your subscription.
You can start filtering by using the gray toggle at left. When it is orange, you will only see matches included in your subscription:
Note: If you receive too many results and want to filter them down more, you can find a full guide to our search tools here.
Click the title of a course to view its full details, including a full description, key learning objectives, seat time, languages, key features, and more:
Hover your cursor over the course image at right. You'll notice the "play" icon vanish and a "Begin Course" button will appear:
Click it to launch your course in a new browser tab. And if you are not ready to begin, you can click the link underneath the "Begin Course" button to preview it. If the course also offers a trailer, an additional link will appear.
Note: If you need to take a break from a course or are interrupted, be sure to use the course-provided Exit button so our system will remember your progress for later. If a course’s design does not include an Exit button, closing the course should trigger its save.
After launching
As soon as you launch a course for the first time it will appear in your dashboard, and you will see more courses added there as you go.
If you are logged in, you can navigate to your main dashboard by choosing “Dashboard” from the account menu at top right:
We can now see an entry for the recently launched course, with a "Begin Course" button next to it. Note that the message under the OpenSesame Plus logo has updated to “You have used 1 seat of 1 seat” after the very first subscription launch:
Once you successfully finish a course—which sometimes requires viewing all its sections and passing a quiz—a completion certificate will automatically be sent from info@opensesame.com to your email address on file. If you do not see it appear in your email inbox within 10 minutes, please check your spam folder.
Enjoy exploring everything available in your new subscription, and thank you for choosing OpenSesame!
If you have further questions, our Support team is here to help via email at support@opensesame.com or via live chat and phone. Feel free to reach us at (503) 808-1268, ext. 2, or at +44 203 744 5541 in Europe.
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