Note: CourseCloud is our limited-access content delivery platform. If you send course invitations from OpenSesame instead, see our documentation on CourseCloud Legacy.
If your learners need to complete a course more than once, such as for annual compliance training, you can allow recompletions and set the frequency in CourseCloud.
When a course’s frequency requirement is met, learners who previously completed the course will restart at the beginning. If a learner relaunches before the requirement is met, or if they have not completed the course, the course will reopen to their last save.
- If you rely on the activity reporting found in your OpenSesame dashboard, be aware that only a learner’s first completion will appear there. For multiple completions, see the activity reporting in CourseCloud.
- If you assign a course due date, which applies to all learners enrolled in that course, remember to update it as needed for the next completion.
In this guide:
- Locate the setting
- Enable recompletions
- Set the frequency
- Set notifications
- Save
- The learner experience
Locate the setting
While logged in to your Learning Administrator account, each course’s recompletion setting can be accessed in the following two ways:
- Through the Admin Tools
- Through any course page
Admin Tools
Select Admin Tools and then the Courses tab:
Select Edit Courses:
Locate your target course, then click Edit and select Course recompletion:
Course page
Alternatively, from your Courses library, locate your target course and click it:
Open the course’s menu and select Course recompletion:
Enable recompletions
When on the recompletion settings page, click the Enable recompletion toggle on:
Set the frequency
Next, choose when the course should allow a new completion.
On the day that you select, a new completion will become available to eligible learners a few minutes after 8 AM Pacific Time (PT). If notifications are enabled (see following section), eligible learners will also receive an email at that time.
- Example: Course A allows a new completion every 30 days. Learner 1 completes it on 14 January at 04:52 PT. On 13 February at 08:03 AM PT, Course A is available to retake, and Learner 1 receives an email notification.
The frequency you select will also determine when learner progress resets:
- Number of Days and Number of Weeks will count out from each enrolled learner’s most recent completion of the course. Recompletion dates will vary.
- By Date will set a standard reset for all enrolled learners who have completed the course. It will be for a specific year, so if you want learners to retake the course year over year, be sure to update this setting after the date is reached.
For all frequency options, only learners who have completed the course will be required to start from the beginning. If a learner never completes the course, their saved progress will not reset.
Set notifications
By default, CourseCloud will send an email notification to enrolled learners when the course’s frequency requirement is met. If an enrolled learner has never completed the course, they will not receive an email.
- If the requirement is not set to a specific date, learners will receive an email when they reach the necessary days or weeks from their last completion.
- If the requirement is set to a specific date, all enrolled learners who have completed the course will receive an email on the same day.
The subject line and body of the email can be customized on this page.
To opt out of sending emails, click off the Send recompletion message toggle:
When satisfied with your settings, click Save.
The learner experience
When an enrolled learner visits a course page for the first time, a Launch Course button appears, followed by a note saying that a certificate will be available on completion:
When the course is complete, the button says Retake Course, and the note becomes a Download Certificate link:
Clicking the button does not allow a new completion. It loads a notification page that says “You’ve already completed this course!” To revisit completed content, learners can click the Take Course link that follows the notification:
This relaunches the completed course, which reopens to the learner’s last save. Any further activity does not count toward a new completion.
In each learner’s CourseCloud Dashboard, finished courses move from the My Courses tab to the Completed tab. Any available completion certificates appear in the Certificates column:
When a course’s retake frequency requirement is met and notifications are enabled, an email is sent to any enrolled learner who previously completed the course:
Note: This default notification can be customized or turned off.
In the Dashboard, courses that are available for a new completion return to the My Courses tab and disappear from the Completed tab. Previously earned certificates continue to appear in the Certificates column.
The course page regains the Launch Course button and certificate note:
Clicking Launch Course opens the course to the very beginning, and progress counts toward a new completion.
When the course is complete, the button once again says Retake Course, and the note again becomes a Download Certificate link. The link downloads the most recent certificate.
In the Dashboard, finished courses again move to the Completed tab. All available completion certificates appear in the Certificates column.
If you have further questions, our Support team is here to help via email at or via live chat and phone. Feel free to reach us at (503) 808-1268, ext. 2, or at +44 203 744 5541 in Europe.
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